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Nicole R.

Amazing! Dr. James has helped me so much through my waiting process from damage that I received in my accident last summer! It's great to have a Chiropractor who actually knows the techniques that work and also who's completely honest and straightforward with you and someone who you can fully trust and rely on.

Lori K. 

Thank you for partnering with us. On a personal note I do not know what I would do without the care I have received there. It really has transformed my life, and as Dr James says, ‘The best is yet to come’. Thank you!


We are very blessed that you have been able to come along side and partner with us for these events. While our team is going to impact lives of some folks in great need, I know that your partnership of support has meant a great deal to all of us. The health and welfare for us of us should be a important part of our lives. Thank you again for all your support. Blessings


Hannah’s GI issues started when she was only 3 months old. The doctor had us try every infant formula on the market, but everything seemed to upset her tummy. We settled on a gentlease formula; however, she still had a very hard time digesting it and the doctor had us start giving her prune juice to help the constipation. By the time she was 6 months old we were giving her suppositories on a regular basis, and the doctors were hopeful she would just “grow out of it.”


At 18 months old the prune juice and suppositories weren’t working and after 9 days without a bowel movement we ended up in the emergency room where they gave Hannah 2 adult enemas back to back. After the ER visit her pediatrician referred us to Children’s Hospital for a barium enema to check for obstructions in her intestine. The findings were normal and again we were told she will probably just “grow out of it.” At this point the pediatrician prescribed Miralax to be taken daily to help regulate Hannah’s bowel movements. I remember reading the label and it saying it was recommended only for adult use and for no longer than 7 days.


We discussed our concerns with the pediatrician but were assured not to worry and they kept her on an adult dose for 2 consecutive years. Even though it never felt right giving her a laxative on a regular basis we had a “doctor knows best” mentality. In addition to the GI issues, Hannah always has had an extremely weak immune system. She had reactions to almost every vaccine and her body was resistant to most antibiotics. By the time she was 4 years old the doctors stop giving us the “she’ll grow out of it” answers and really started to show concern when she maintained her height and weight for 12 months (she didn’t grow or gain weight, however she didn’t lose weight either.)


They immediately assumed Celiac Disease, but she tested negative. We continued to go in regularly for height and weight checks and the doctors tested for Celiac again convinced that had to be the problem, but it always came back negative. In June of 2013 Hannah was experiencing extreme shoulder pain. We took her to Urgent Care where they took x-rays, she was diagnosed her with a minor shoulder sprain and sent home in a sling.


Again, even though we didn’t agree that it was only a sprain we took her home with the “doctor knows best” mentality. By morning she was in so much pain she could barely move, her fever spiked, and she lost her stools. (With all the constipation she had for 6 years we knew something was seriously wrong.) After more x-rays, an MRI, and a transfer to Children’s Hospital she had emergency surgery to remove a staph infection that had settled in her bone. Hannah spent 12 days in the hospital as her body was resistant to most of the antibiotics given to her, followed by 6 weeks of a home nurse care. The doctors were stumped to how she contracted this staph infection, and we were told it was just a rare case with no explanation. During this time she continued to struggle with constipation and tummy aches. The doctor again recommended Miralax and at that point we knew there had to be another treatment path.


The biggest regret I have is not being open minded to chiropractic care earlier. I am honestly blown away at how quickly we have seen positive results with bringing Hannah to see Dr James, and I am excited to see the transformation of health in our whole family over the next year. Hannah: “I feel so happy ever since I have seen Dr James. It feels much better getting adjusted. Before meeting Dr James I felt cranky because I had a hard time pooping. Now I have a BM almost every day and feel AWESOME!

Lynn C.

Recently I finished my 21-day detox and wanted to share my results with those of you who are wondering if it would benefit your health or help with your ailments. In August I was in for my annual exam and received some unsatisfactory lab results. My cholesterol was high at 265, my GFR (kidney function) was low, and my white blood count was low. My gynecologist wanted me to follow up with my doctor in internal medicine.


I already knew that if I went there they would be quick to offer a prescription for cholesterol medicine and that went against everything I believed. I turned to Dr. James for help. He felt that a detox would definitely help me along with adding some vitamin D3, omega 3 supplement, and Dynamic Greens. I told him I had been reading about taking Red Yeast Rice and he agreed I should take that as well. I started my detox the beginning of October and followed it exactly. At the end of the time, I went in to see my internal medicine doctor for some follow-up lab work.


I was overjoyed with the results. I dropped my cholesterol by 101 points, my white blood count returned to normal and my kidney function went back into normal range. I achieved my goals, but in addition to this, I realized that my digestion system was feeling so much better. The funny thing was I never realized how awful it felt until it felt so good! I no longer felt bloated and gassy, and things seemed to be moving through my system with ease and regularity. I have been done with my detox for a couple of weeks now and I feel like my body has been reset. 


Thanks, Dr. James for all your help and great advice! It feels so good to know there are answers to health problems without turning to a prescription made of chemicals and who knows what.

Cyndi L.

“I started seeing Dr. James in October after struggling with back and hip pain for 8 years. I’d seen other chiropractors over the years, but it never helped. I own a Home Staging company, which is very physically demanding. I was afraid I’d have to sell my business because the pain was making it very difficult to do my job.


Dr. James put me on an intense therapy plan and in as little as 2 months I was seeing improvement. Four months later I was able to to start exercising again. Now, 5 months later I am pain free. Business is booming and I am able to keep up with it. I feel better than I’ve felt in many years! I am extremely grateful to Dr. James for literally changing my life!”

Jennifer, Age 40

I came into Finish Line with neck pain, hip pain, lower back pain, migraines, headaches, anxiety, mood disorders and PTSD. Starting at an early age I suffered with what I know now to be mood disorders and PTSD. I also was born with a congenital hip. I suffered with migraines throughout my teenage years and most of my adult life. The neck pain and hip pain, along with the mood disorders negatively impacted my ability to sleep well. 

In turn, I needed to take medicine to sleep. I also take a variety of mental health drugs. I consulted a medical doctor and they diagnosed me with mood disorders, bipolar depression, anxiety and PTSD. They recommended medication and talk therapy. I stayed more and less stable on and off. 

Since starting care at Finish Line Wellness, I have been able to quit taking sleep medication and reduced dosages of other pills. I also have less pain when I walk and do basic daily chores. I have found that I have a drastic reduction in anxiety and I feel more clear headed. Most of the medications I am on cause me to have memory problems and an impaired mental ability. Since starting care at Finish Line my work has improved enough that I was able to obtain a raise! 

I believe that with further treatment and by doing the detox I will have a new sense of normal. Everything Dr. James has said would happen has started to. I'm excited for what my future holds now instead of just existing. 

Joseph E., Age 27

I'm completely confident in Dr. James' diagnosis. He effortlessly corrected my C3 enough to take away the pressure causing my Narcolepsy. Dr. James has a plan for his patients. He estimated 18 months for me, which is amazing because he took away my life sentence. 

Matthew M., Age 38

I had Bells Palsey - no movement on the left side of my face and a headache behind my left ear. I went to a medical doctor and they put me on antibiotics and steroids. I started seeing Dr. James and within ten days all symptoms went away! I feel very lucky. Most cases last 4-6 weeks and up to years. After being adjusted my digestion has also improved significantly.

Wayne J.

Kay, everyone in the office enjoyed their presentation and visit.. I was skeptical but it was great… thank you so much .. have I changed my eating habits … well – working on it more now.

Melanie P.

Major Complaint:Major hormone issues due to multiple forms of birth control pills and methods I was on. Emotional and mental functioning issues due to multiple depression and anxiety medication the past few years as well as Adderall for ADD/ADHD. I had taken myself off of the birth control and depression medication and was suffering from extreme mood swings and major acne on my face and back which I never had in the past. The only medication I was still on was Adderall which I was addicted to and felt like I couldn’t function without it but it was also ruining my life and work as I felt like I was always going 100mph and couldn’t concentrate anymore or rest on it. ------Past History:Since I was 16 years old I was put on birth control to regulate my periods and hormones they said. Little did I know those pills were going to wreak havoc on my body, emotions, and life in general. I have always battled with these things and my doctors continued to try different methods to fix it from the pill, the Nu Va Ring, the depo shot, and IUD. Over the years I have suffered from major mood swings, hair loss, acne, depression, anxiety, and trouble concentrating and never felt quite right but dealt with it because I assumed it was part of being a lady and dealing with hormones. I got put on Adderall 6 years ago to help with my concentration and they diagnosed me with ADD/ADHD which also made my anxiety worse so my doctor put me on anxiety medication to alleviate those symptoms. I finally tried to take myself off of my birth control pills a 3 years ago as my depression got really bad and my therapist advised maybe I should take a break and recent studies were showing that birth control causes depression. Shortly after that my hormones were all over the place and I was constantly in tears, losing my hair, and felt like I was losing my mind. My doctor then put me on a series of depression medication to alleviate those symptoms. When one would stop working he would have me try another one. Little did I know those were ruining my life even more and making me more depressed than when I started. I finally took myself off of them and went back on the pill with a low dose of hormones as I couldn’t handle it anymore and just wanted to feel normal. This past year I had noticed my mood swings and emotions on a roller coaster again and the Adderall side effects were making me like life was always going 100mph and I couldn’t concentrate anymore and it was ruining my job and personal life. I took myself back off the pill 2 months ago and the acne came back full force and still couldn’t go a day without Adderall as I couldn’t function. I prayed for a cure and wished I never would have started any of these medications and just wanted off. ------That’s when I reached out to Dr. James Midboe at Finish Line Wellness and he recommended a cleanse he had at the clinic to clean all of the medication and toxins out of my body. I picked it up and followed the instructions and strict diet for 21 days as well as regular chiropractic adjustments. During week 2 of the cleanse I stopped taking my Adderall as he advised that might help with some of the withdrawal symptoms if I wanted to get off of it. I just finished my last day of the cleanse and am HAPPY to say I am completely medication free and feel better then I have in years! All of my acne is gone; I have no withdrawal symptoms and am no longer battling depression or emotional mood swings. I also am able to concentrate better then I was before I got on my Adderall and my job and mood have improved 110%. I am thankful to have reached out to Dr. James and for his assistance throughout the process. I am excited to finally have my normal life back and would recommend this cleanse and Dr. James to anyone struggling with medication issues as I was. Its no way to live and Dr. James and his staff at Finish Line Wellness are all amazing and will take great care of you. Thanks again!


Love all the chiropractors at Finish Line. So glad we started going there! The whole family goes and we feel great. It's not just a chiropractic clinic they truly believe in wellness as a whole and can help you with anything.


I can’t say enough positive things about the treatment and results we have seen since having out 10 year old son start seeing Dr. James at Finish Line Wellness. Our son was diagnosed with Light Seizures at 18 months but appeared to grow out of them. They were not enough to require medication or regular monitoring from the Neurologist we consulted at the time. 


In Kindergarten, we noticed he was not able to retain information he learned and he would write things in reverse order on occasion. We mentioned our concerns and met with his teachers on a regular basis, at the end of Kindergarten a plan was put into place to have the school assess him for an Individual Education Plan (IEP). In first grade the school determined he had a Learning Disability and an IEP was created to help him. Summer between second and third grade we determined we might need a better understanding of how to help him and had a Neuropsychology exam done. During this exam, he was diagnosed with Dyslexia and we were told the most important thing we could do for him was to see a Neurologist, they observed many signs of seizures activity during the exam. After EEG testing and exams by the Neurologist he was diagnosed with Focal Seizures.


The problem is you can’t really tell when he is having a seizure and when he is not. Sometimes he may seem clumsy or he may blink a few times rapidly or the more telling sign that the Neuropsychologist observed is a reverse walking pattern. These seizures typically only last a few seconds, maybe a minute so they are easy to miss, but whatever is happening during that time he misses. It is like going through the day with a bad cell phone connection and trying to piece together when the other person is speaking a new language you have not mastered yet. 


We tried medication to help him stay as focused as possibly which required adjusting the dosage and trying to find the right balance. After a year and a half on the medication and having to up the dosage again we needed to change prescriptions. Side effects of his medication would make him lose his appetite. He would eat four times before 9amand then not eat anything the rest of the day because his medication kicked in. He was grumpy with high disinterest and quick outbursts of anger that we had not seen in him before.


His sleeping patterns were off and we had to supplement with Melatonin at night to help him fall asleep. Finally we had enough, we looked at our normally sweet happy-go-lucky kid who had always had a sturdy frame and energy and saw a tired grumpy kid in his place. Our son was not interested in seeing a Chiropractor and feared the treatments would hurt. After our consultation with Dr. James and his first adjustment that night our son asked when he gets to go back again. After three adjustments in one week we took him off his medication over the weekend and on Saturday he was like a new child.


That was the end of April and we have not given him any medication since. He continually wants to know when he gets to go back for an adjustment, he feels and notices the changes as well, which is one of the best parts. Two weeks after starting treatment his school took the 4th grade MAP tests and I received an email from his teacher the next day letting me know that his scores had jumped 18 points from the fall testing. I am not a teacher and I do not know what that mean, but I did some quick research and found out that an increased score of 8-10 points would be considered great progress for his age.


Did I mention that he jumped 18 points? We also noticed other positive changes in his school work and started receiving great reports him from school. While we won’t have another EEG test done until the fall, the day to day improvements he has been able to make have been remarkable and noticeable to those around him.


Thank you, Dr. James, and Finish Line Wellness for helping us support our son, his health and for helping to get him back to health eating habits, sleep pattern and disposition.

Mark B.

“I feel so much BETTER! My neck now has a wider range of motion. I should have come to Finish Line 30 years ago! They are all so helpful and great to do business with. Dr. Ashley is the BEST!“

“Dr. James – I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. This truly is a life changing journey for me – in the way I view myself. You are an inspiration – I am amazed at how you just recently recovered from cancer and yet are concerned with how others are doing and your willingness to help others live well.“

“A few months ago I met Kay on the golf course. Who knew spinning a wheel would change my lifestyle. After winning a complementary Workplace Wellness visit for our company it gave me a new way of thinking about seeing a chiropractor. I have to admit; at first I was in it for the free lunch, but when Kay, Dr. James, and Dr. Ashley visited us it was far more than just a lunch.“

Everyone at our office enjoyed learning more about healthy choices that we should be making and knowing some of the common pitfalls. James was very easy to listen to and was a wealth of information. He answered all of our questions we had, even though we could not answer half of his!
After their visit, I took it into my own hands to have an assessment. This was basically just X-rays. I was interested in this since I have had back issues for many years. It turned out that I had some spinal and neck issues that was the associated with this discomfort. After discussing my X-rays with Dr. James Midboe, he immediately put together a game plan. I was a bit reluctant due to the time required to complete his plan but decided to commit to it anyways. I am glad that I did.
Oh yeah, did I mention that you can sit in massage chairs while waiting for your appointment?

Kelli F. 

SO incredibly thankful for FLC – Dr. James Midboe has literally saved my back, not to mention helping me through a lot of other issues!!!


It’s so comforting to know there is a great chiropractic clinic out there that “gets it” – and by that I mean…it’s not just about a “crack here” or a “crack there” to them; rather, they truly understand the body and aim to get to the root of your problem by offering a number of other services to help in aiding your recovery…it’s a one-stop-shop home-run, if you ask me! I love FLC – Thank You!!!

Allison K.

Finish Line Chiropractic is a great place to get or stay healthy. With a lifestyle most of us lead we tend to forget about one, self. I am one of those and from the first time I met Kay Grobel at a 5K event and recieved my Wellness Pass the smiling faces of the doctors and everyone that works here is “home” to say the least.


My first visit they asked questions about my body, took xrays and did a full body evaluation. After a few days they brought me back and explained where and why I was having problem areas, explained why it was happening from my xrays and then set me up with a treatment and also check with my insurance. That is customer relations at it’s best!
The people welcome you as you walk in, I get to sit in a message chair before my appointment, get adjusted then lie on a roller bed after. I have never had this treatment.


Needless to say they know you by name and if they is anything they can help with they will do their best. I love going and feeling my best for the start of 2013 and I know it will continue being treated at Finish Line Chiropractic. Thanks Kay and Dr. Ashley!“

“You all rock! I just want to say that you all are the buzz this afternoon around my office. I have had so many questions I have answered or tried my best to so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Matt S.

I have spent 3 years on the US Ski Team, I am a Junior National Champion and a 3x World Juniors Member. I have essentially put my body through a blender. From all the crashes and hospital visits I never knew if my back and body would ever look, function, or feel normal again. That is until I was referred to DR. James Midboe at Finish Line Chiropractic. I now move better, feel better and am able to live a happier, healthier, pain free life. Make the time to go see Finish Line Chiropractic and take care of yourself, no matter who you are or what you do you, your body will thank you…

Cyndi B. 

Love this clinic! Beautiful and relaxing atmosphere while you wait. The wait is never long, and you can see how your Dr is progressing because everyone gets adjusted in full clothing and in one big room. Initial consultation is given in a private room. There are 5 back rollers and many other options for therapy afterwards. Your appointment flows smoothly no matter how busy they are.


A big hug to you for making me feel great and allowing me to say this is really the best time of my life (so far)! Movement changes your attitude and outlook. Keep spreading your gift!

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